Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hi, readers!! Long time it has been since I last posted Y^Y
I really want to post this since I first started blogging. And now, let`s jump to the main topic!! :D
Well, only some of them first, okay? :)

This is the list I want to share with you. Everybody must have ever heard or maybe see them!!! Okay, let`s see the very first one!
Almost every picos know him. Yeah, who don`t know him?? He was often at the Hot 30. His Dating Lounge is the best one I`ve ever seen! Zye is a kind guy. And he`s married to Blondy Étoile in pico! You didn`t know the news??
Check it out by clicking here
 To see their family, click here
kakek ganteng
 His name is cute for me, XD
It means "handsome grandfather" in English. lol ~
You know what`s he`s famous for..?
You got it right!! That`s because of his amazing MAZE
MaiRie Étoile
"What`s she`s famous for?"
"What bad things did ever she do?"
"Why she can be famous?"
I ever met a girl who asked me those questions when I said I adore the famous MaiRie very much. And then the girl asked me those three questions.
  1. She is famous for her ALICE IN WONDERLAND
  2. She never did any bad things, you know. She`s so kind!
  3. Because she is kind, creative and also not copying others idea
Kaname sLitz
Ever heard of him? :D
Never or what? There`s no way you don`t know him, you know. He is so famous!!! Famous for what, you ask me? Of course, his wonderful hotel! If I wasn`t mistaken, his beds in room 1 were all bought in C$! Cool, huh? :)
Well, now she`s no longer on Hot 30, but she was quite famous too.
Famous for....?
She is famous for her SKY CHURCH
I love it. It`s so nice how she decorated it!!
Who is she??
Don`t know? Let me give you a clue. Who was one of the 10 nominees of Christmas Room Photo Contest?
Of course, it`s her!! Her room is fabulous. If you still don`t know, check her by yourself. Type in the buddies search bar : Nirvana
Don`t be fooled, though! Many posers of her will pop out.. She has AG, remember, and her name is just as original as that.
That`s all for today!!
Often check the Hot 30 and tell me who was famous but now not on Hot 30 anymore. I`ll post the rest tomorrow or the day after.
- Angel Antique 


  1. I met MaiRie Étoile and i been seen her i think 1 time in her events and i think i see her in her room (AFK) maybe 6 time. And i see her not AFK 2 times 1 on her event 1 on her room talking in Tagalog.
