Friday, December 16, 2011


Hello there! How's your day going? I'm not well as I finally know the truth that she lied to me for many things. Don't worry it's someone in real life not in pico :3

Actually, I'm so confused choosing the new Elite members as we decided to open it again for a while. Only three picos will be picked and it'll be announced on 25th December, together along with our Christmas Party (not quite sure on it, but we think we should have the party :3 isn't it?). They have the same quality. Well let's see the results soon. 25th is only a few days away, don't you think so too?

And it's exam time at school, then I also hate my friend who's arrogant. See how many confusing stuffs I have in real o.o well that's why I'm so confused. Don't you think I'm a little stressed these days? But don't think I'm crazy DX

Wish me luck in my exam!
And good luck too, YuLi!

-YuRi Elite

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