Saturday, July 7, 2012


Hi guys. How are you doing? It's late here in Indonesia..pfft, school starts on 9th July and I really terribly hate it. I don't really like this junior high school life. I have totally full schedules every weekday.

Hemika, Ken and many more are so inactive. I'm going to be inactive too, and so is YuLi. Hemika is inactive because of her personal life (of course XD), Ken is inactive too, for school. FYI, I haven't revealed that Ken is my brother in RL lol --- but my mom doesn't let me put his pic, so I won't. Sorry for that.

Being inactive is my only choice. I really will quit pico during schooldays. Which also means, I'll lose so many updates in pico world. But I won't waste my time checking their updates. Their price adjustment really is begging their users to quit! Yeah I'm serious, how can we enjoy this virtual life with their new price adjustment? You even have to use gold to buy the heart face paint, isn't it a waste? And the reindeer hat, I heard from my friend that now it costs AG! Wow, they really want us to quit, eh?

Since school starts on this Monday, maybe I won't be able to be online tomorrow. I'll have to do many things tomorrow. Like what I said, more or less I'll just be on twitter and instagram XD.

Hey, I am YuRi, and this is crazy
But I'm on pico
So find me, maybe?

-YuRi Elite

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